The myths and truths about wet food for dog nutrition

Discover what the myths and truths are about wet food for dog nutrition. Photo: Instagram Reproduction
Discover what the myths and truths are about wet food for dog nutrition. Photo: Instagram Reproduction

Providing suitable nutrition for everyone remains a concern for guardians. One of these aspects is linked to doubts and even misinformation on the part of pet parents regarding the types of food.

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To clarify the many questions about wet food for pets, we, from Mars Petcare, owner of some of the world’s most beloved brands like PEDIGREE®️, believe that sharing information is an important ally of consumers. For over 50 years, we have invested in scientific research on nutrition, animal welfare, and the benefits of interaction between guardians and pets, with studies conducted by the Waltham Petcare Science Institute in England. Based on our research, we can talk about the myths and truths about wet food for dogs.

Firstly, it is worth mentioning that research conducted by the Waltham Institute draws attention to how the awareness of guardians can significantly contribute to better nutrition and health for pets. Below, we address frequently asked questions by pet owners:

Can the use of sachets harm the dog?

No, sachets do not harm the health of dogs. On the contrary. Wet foods can provide many benefits for pet health. Due to their high water content, they increase hydration levels and prevent kidney diseases. Another advantage is the improvement in palatability, which often results in an even more enjoyable feeding experience for animals.

Can sachets be offered every day?

Sachets can be offered every day, as long as the guardian follows the appropriate portions for the size and age of the dog. To discover the ideal quantities, it is necessary to check the nutritional guide on the packaging and/or consult your pet’s veterinarian.

When formulated as a complete and balanced food, the sachet can replace your pet’s usual meal. In this case, it is also important to consider whether the sachet will be offered alone or mixed with another food, such as dry food. If in doubt, always consult your veterinarian.

Does wet food predispose to obesity?

Quite the opposite. Because it is a food with a high moisture content (water), it needs to be offered in larger quantities to meet daily nutritional requirements. It is essential for guardians to always pay attention to the product’s nutritional guides when offering food to their pets. These guides provide crucial information about the appropriate amounts to be offered and whether the product is a complete and balanced food.

5 major benefits of PEDIGREE sachets:

  • High concentration of water in the recipe: excellent for maintaining hydration, promoting a feeling of satiety, and preventing kidney problems;
  • High palatability: the soft texture of steam-cooked protein pieces increases the dog’s interest in the food;
  • Aids natural defenses: with Vitamin E and Selenium, which strengthen your dog’s health;
  • Complete and balanced meal: has the ideal balance of nutrients, without dyes,
  • Contributes to a balanced diet, healthy coat, strengthened immune system, and maintenance of ideal weight.
  • Sachets play an important role in providing balanced nutrition for dogs. By debunking incorrect information and considering scientific research, guardians can make more informed decisions about the nutrition of their pets, providing them with a healthy and happy life.

According to FEDIAF (European Pet Food Industry Federation), wet foods are those that have a moisture content of at least 60% (sachets and cans). These foods were considered treats for many years by veterinarians and guardians, but the growing interest in wet foods in Brazil has debunked this concept, and the recommendation of sachets as a complete and balanced food option has become more frequent.

Overall, guardians are more attentive to the products available on the market and are concerned about the nutrition of their animals, which encourages them to research and seek more alternatives. Wet food has a variety of advantages and can be combined with dry food, offering the best in nutrition for our pets.

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